We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused as our online boutique is diligently being refined to enhance your shopping experience.
If you'd like to initiate a return, please follow these steps:
- If your order destination is France, please follow this link. Your order number : enter LEM + 5 digits (as stated in your order confirmation email).
- If your order destination is in Europe, please follow this link to step 2 and use the prepaid UPS label included in the original parcel. Your order number : enter LEM + 5 digits (as stated in your order confirmation email).
- If your order destinationis located outside Europe, please follow this link to step 3. Your order number : enter LEM + 5 digits (as stated in your order confirmation email).
Failure to follow these steps may result in delays in your refund process.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
The Lemaire Team